When I connected with myself, I lost the fear of being seen and no longer felt alone.

My Story

For the longest time, I believed I needed to be normal to be happy. I tried to blend in, but deep down, I knew that I was different. A non-conforming foreigner searching for my place in the world convinced that I didn't belong anywhere.

Feeling lonely, frustrated, and stuck in toxic relationships, I reached a turning point. That's when I decided to take control of my life and began my Image Coaching journey.

Through this journey, I discovered the power of embracing my weirdness. I accepted that it's okay not to want a conventional life and that my background is valid. Diversity is beautiful.

Despite having worked in the fashion industry for 16 years, nothing changed how I dress more than connecting with myself. I realised I was making myself small and that the fear of colour in my life was linked to it -I had been hiding in all black. I also stopped looking for external validation and started using my style to make room for me.

By focusing on my own happiness and expressing myself authentically, I made new friends, who are also weird in their own unique and inspiring ways. I no longer feel out of place or lonely; I have found my tribe. To my surprise, I also broke my previous patterns and found love. Now, I'm in a healthy, loving relationship where we help each other grow.

I feel so lucky to help others feel seen, heard and proud of themselves. Are you ready to take the next step? Let's chat and discover where your journey can take you.

Book your free discovery call below!

Qualifications and Training

  • Escuela de Coaching de Imagen Domingo Delgado
    Madrid, Spain

  • Escuela de Coaching de Imagen Domingo Delgado
    Madrid, Spain

  • London College of Style
    London, England

  • London College of Style
    London, England

  • London College of Fashion
    University of the Arts London
    London, England

  • Andrea Vilallonga
    Barcelona, Spain

  • Fitzwilliam Institute
    Dublin, Ireland

  • Universidade de Vigo
    Vigo, Spain

    University of Glasgow
    Glasgow, Scotland

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Love what makes you different, don’t hide who you are.